Allied Health Professional Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement 2018: What You Need to Know
The Allied Health Professional Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement 2018 is a significant development for these workers in the public sector. This agreement is a long-awaited breakthrough that will bring a lot of benefits to the allied health professionals who have been waiting for wage increases and improvements in their work conditions.
The agreement covers the salary increases for allied health professionals, including occupational therapists, speech pathologists, dietitians, radiographers, physiotherapists, and more. The agreement was signed by the Australian Services Union, the Health Services Union, the Australian Workers` Union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, and the Community and Public Sector Union.
The agreement resulted in an increase in wages for allied health professionals who are employed in the public health sector. The wage increase was a 2.5% increase per year from 2017 to 2021, which is a significant boost for those workers who have been struggling with low pay rates for years. The wage increase also applies to all casual employees and part-time workers.
The Allied Health Professional Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement 2018 also includes improvements for working conditions. The agreement provides additional benefits, such as family-friendly work arrangements and increased paid parental leave. It also includes provisions for career development, such as recognition for prior learning and professional development opportunities.
The agreement also covers the review of classification standards for allied health professionals. This review aims to ensure that allied health professionals are properly classified and receive appropriate wages and work conditions.
The Allied Health Professional Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement 2018 is a significant win for the allied health professionals working in the public sector. The wage increase, improved working conditions, and career development opportunities will help to retain and attract skilled professionals to the public health sector.
In conclusion, the Allied Health Professional Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement 2018 is a positive development for allied health professionals working in the public sector. The agreement provides wage increases, improved working conditions, and career development opportunities, which will help to attract and retain skilled professionals to the public health sector.